Проект «Милосердие через образование»
“Charity through education"
Implementation period: long-term
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of citizens who are in a difficult life situation due to a serious illness by acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.
Project objectives:
- to create an information space on this problem;
- to teach practical knowledge with the help of specialists;
- prevent emotional burnout of people caring for
serious patients;
- to reduce the number of cases of bedridden patients staying in
boarding schools and nursing hospitals;
- to increase the status of a nurse in society.
Project justification:
Today, we are trying our best to increasethe life expectancy and extend the active longevity of citizens of the Republic of Belarus.
To do this, we use all new forms of life management and medical care. But,
unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of people who become completely
defenseless and depend on others – these are bedridden patients and wheelchair users.
In the Starodorozhsky district, only since 2017, the service of nurses began to develop, and by the end of the year there were only 1.5 rates of this service at the state institution" Starodorozhsky Territorial center for social services of the population". Today (May 2021) there are already 13 bids. Seven bedridden patients receive the services of a nurse.
In total, there are 65 wheelchair users in the district, 52 people are under the supervision of other people, and receive benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1. And this is not the whole number of bedridden patients.
More than 30 elderly people live with children only for the reason that they cannot serve themselves independently.
In the field of bedridden care, Belarus is catastrophically inferior to Western Europe, the United States and many other countries. Today we practically do not know how to do anything and do not use advanced care methods, the essence of which is to achieve the maximum possible rehabilitation of the patient. We don't know how to do the elementary things – how to simply make the bed, change the diaper, feed, move to a wheelchair. Nurses are people without special qualifications, often with a secondary education. And the relatives of the sick have nowhere to study.
How to care for? What to feed? How to talk to a bedridden patient? They ask friends, colleagues and acquaintances, read on the Internet, watch videos, listen to those, listen to those who speak convincingly. But few people understand which advice can be trusted and which not.
The innovativeness of this project lies in the complete absence of Centers of education for the care of sick people. This is a problem that needs to be spoken out loud so that people who are in a difficult life situation are not left alone with their misfortune.
This project will always be in demand, as everything flows and changes, some people pass away, others face the same situation. At the initial stage, I would like to train all residents Starodorozhsky district, which has to take care of relatives with serious illnesses, as well as to train current and future nurses, volunteers. In the future, having accumulated some experience in training and the material and technical base, to give people living in other areas the opportunity to study –
to make the Education Center interregional.
Target group:
- disabled people, elderly citizens who have lost the ability to self-serve and move around, relatives, practicing nurses, volunteers who are forced to take care of bedridden patients.
Brief description within the framework of the project:
- creation of a customer data bank and a team of specialists (nurses,social workers, volunteers, psychologists, relatives caring for patients);
development of advertising information material (booklets,invitations, ads);
- purchase of equipment and preparation for the seminar (laptop,video camera, video projector, slide screen,exercise bed, bed accessories, mattress and anti-bedsore pillow, bedding);
- conducting a series of practical seminars;
- shooting a video about the seminar with a reflection of practical skills;
- preparation and production of printed materials based on the results conducting seminars and studies (distribution of memos, booklets,methodological material among those in need).
Total amount of financing (in euros):6670 €
A source Financing volume of financing
Donor funds:5260 €
Co-financing:1410 €
Project location (region, district, city):
Starye Dorogy, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus,
Contact person: Svetlana Zhurok, head of the department of social assistance at home of the state institution "Starodorozhsky Territorial Center for Social Services
of the population" tel. mob: +375445947614, Centr-9